The Stark county board of elections runs a website which provides extensive information about elections and voting, when the rules apply to that county. In fact, the website lists a myriad of information, including the registration process for voters, the manner in which individuals can obtain an absentee ballot and the best way to send it in.
The Stark county board of elections also has a section on the website which lists the candidates for each election. In fact, the website also lists the political stance of each candidate, in case voters are unaware. However, the website in no way endorses any candidate. Instead, the website is meant to be utilized as a resource for voters. For example, candidates that have their names listed under candidate, have met the requirements to run for office in that county.
In addition, any candidates listed have likely been following all regulations for campaign finances laws. In fact, when candidates are found in volition, they are unlikely to be unable to continue to run for office. There are many rules that apply to campaign finances, including maximum contributions.
The Stark county board of elections seeks to ensure that every candidate is on a level playing field and that no candidate abuses the system. They may require proof of contributions, including the name of each contributor, as well as the amount of each contribution.
NEXT: The Electoral College Overview