Unemployment figures for the nation vary greatly. The national unemployment rate varies across the United States of America. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the division of the Department of Labor that complies the unemployment rate by state in order to assess unemployment figures.
Although the unemployment rate by state varies drastically from one state to the next, unemployment figures for each state generally remain consistent within a specific state. Some trends of the unemployment rates by state extends to neighboring states, leading to general trends remaining present across a region. The four regions which the Bureau of Labor Statistics complies unemployment figures are the Northeast, Midwest, West, and South, in addition to the national unemployment rate.
In addition to the national unemployment rate and regional unemployment figures, each unemployment rate by state is informed by metropolitan areas. The number of metropolitan areas that are published alongside the unemployment rate by state varies from state to state, with the distinguishing factor being the population of the state, as well as the population density in each state.
The state with the fewest metropolitan areas for which unemployment figures are published is Hawaii, which only has unemployment figures available for Honolulu. The largest number of metropolitan area for which unemployment figures are published is California, which has unemployment figures published for thirty metropolitan areas.
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