New York unemployment benefits are administered in New York State by the New York Department of Labor. After applying for New York State unemployment benefits and being approved to obtain these benefits, the person who has been approved for NYS unemployment benefits will be held responsible for satisfying a number of requirements.
A person being paid New York State unemployment benefits must look for work while they are collecting New York unemployment benefits from the New York State Department of Labor. If benefits are to be continually paid, the person is expected to be available to work, and demonstrate that they are seeking employment while they are gaining NYS unemployment benefits. Claiming unemployment benefits in New York will require a person to keep a written record of his or her job search.
Maintaining eligibility for New York unemployment benefits will require the individual to be prepared to accept suitable work while collecting benefits. Suitable work that will allow individuals to continue to get New York unemployment benefits for individuals who are reasonably fitted by training and experience. An individual will be held responsible for applying for position in all their most recent occupations, especially if the primary job a person has held contains grim prospects of finding a new position.
NEXT: Understanding Seasonal Unemployment