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Idaho Disability Benefits

Idaho Disability Benefits

How is “Disability” Defined According ID Disability Law?

As of September of 2010, the definition of disability—according to ID Disability Laws—is: Disability refers to the presence of a mental, physical or sensory impairment that:

o ID Disability laws states that disabled refers to anyone medically diagnosable or cognizable; or

o Exists as history or record; or

o Is perceived to exist whether or not it exists in fact

§ Disabilities exists whether it is common or uncommon, temporary or permanent, mitigated or unmitigated or whether or not it impedes the ability to work in general or perform a specific job function

§ The state interprets “impairment” and implements said definition into Idaho disability law; impairment refers to any condition or physiological disorder or anatomical loss which affects one or multiple of the following bodily systems: special sense organs, neurological, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, cardiovascular, skin, endocrine, hemic and lymphatic

Is the ID Disability Law Definition the same as the Definition Expressed in the American with Disabilities Act?

• The ID Disability law definition of disability is broader than the federal definition. The Idaho definition covers a large number of medical, mental and/or psychological conditions.

• Temporary ailments are covered under the Idaho State definition but not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act

• ID Disability laws claim that conditions that are mitigated or ameliorated by medications are considered under Idaho disability law but are not accounted for on the federal level.

• Under the ID Disability definition, there is no requirement that a medical condition must have an impact on a major life function or activity, or that said impact of the condition be limiting.

According to ID Disability Laws, what Protections do I have at work if I am disabled?

• Based on ID Disability laws, you have the basic right to not be discriminated against. ID disability law states that if you are disabled, you may request reasonable accommodations during the job application process. While on the job, assuming you are able to perform your job, you are protected under Idaho disability law. According to ID disability laws, if you formally request reasonable accommodation to successfully do your job, your employer is required to enter into an interactive process to determine accommodation efforts.

• When requesting reasonable accommodation, Idaho disability law requires you to provide your employer with medical information. If your work is suffering because of your medical issues, your employer—under Idaho disability law may request information concerning your condition as it specifically relates to your ability to perform.

How do I Request a Reasonable Accommodation According to ID Disability Laws?

• According to ID Disability law, the traditional way to request reasonable accommodation is to submit a formal request or secure a note from your doctor stating the request for accommodations. ID disability laws state that you must present the request to your manager or your human resources department for formal processing. Your request—based on ID disability law--must relate to your disability, must lower barriers to your performance and must help you with your job function.

What Kind of Protection Do I Have at Work If I Have a Disability?

• Idaho disability laws protect employees with disabilities so long as they can perform their job. Idaho disability law offers protections to safeguard your right to be considered for employment. Therefore, to adhere to Idaho disability laws, employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for their disabled workers. This requirement; however, only applies if the reasonable accommodation aids the person with their job performance.

How do I Apply for Idaho Disability?

When you apply for Idaho Disability, you must ensure that your application adheres to Idaho disability laws. Please follow the below steps when applying for benefits:

• As stated above, ID disability law states that, before applying for benefits, make sure you adhere to Idaho disability law. To qualify for disability, you must not be able to perform substantial work activity because of a diagnosable mental or physical illness that is expected to last for one consecutive year or result in death. The Federal Social Security website provides a benefit eligibility screening tool to determine if you think you can qualify for any of the following programs: Supplemental Security Income; Social Security Disability Insurance; or Non-Grant Medical Assistance.

• After determining your eligibility with regards to Idaho disability laws, you must secure the forms at any Idaho Division of Disability Determination Services; forms can be procured on the DDS website or any branch office.

o Idaho DDS website.

o Location: Disability Determination Services Offices

Olympia Regional Office:

Toll Free: 1-800-562-6074

Fax: (360) 586-0851

TDD: 1-888-583-6941

PO Box 9303 MS 45550

Olympia WA 98507-9303

• After contacting the Idaho DDS, you must fill-out the forms and submit them to the office and your employer.

• To adhere to Idaho disability law, you should document your illness by procuring your medical records and talking to your medical professional

• Idaho disability laws require you to provide the requested medical evidence for a medical determination of your illness/disability

• After fulfilling these steps, officials—using Idaho disability law—will wait for a decision from the Social Security Administration office.

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