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Louisiana Medicaid

Louisiana Medicaid

Medicaid is a federal program, that is funded by both the National government and state governments. Medicaid is designed to offer medical benefits to low-income citizens of the particular state in which they apply. While the general rules for the program were created by Federal Law, each state is responsible for setting specific eligibility requirements and procedures associated with medicaid. Louisiana medicaid, for instance, has several criteria that must be met before a low-income family or disabled person can receive medicaid benefits.

In addition to Louisiana Medicaid, the state has established numerous government programs that aids in the financial relief of its struggling citizens. Supplemental Security income, for example, is a local government program within Louisiana that operates with the federal Social Security department to provide payments to people with limited resources over the age of 65.

That being said, LA medicaid is the only agency associated with the deployment of medical benefits to those in need. Under LA medicaid, however, citizens of Louisiana are still eligible to qualify for all government programs, regardless of positioning with the medicaid department.

To qualify for Louisiana medicaid benefits an individual citizen of the state must meet one or more of the following criteria:

Be a pregnant women who falls below the income cap of the state.

Be a child under the age of 19 who falls under the income gap

Be a low-income parent of a child under 19 years of age.

Have corrected vision that is no better than 20/200

A women in need of treatment for cervical or breast cancer

Meet the Social Security Admin's definition of a disabled individual

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