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Easy Guide To Unemployment Rate by State

Unemployment Rate By State

Unemployment rate by state b/g

Collecting the report on the unemployment rate by state is the responsibility of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the Department of Labor, a Cabinet level position in the Executive Branch of the federal government in the United States of America. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also compiles unemployment figures that indicate the national unemployment rate.

Ohio unemployment

The number of individuals filing claims for Ohio unemployment compensation has declined between March 2010 and August 2010, the most recent period for which information is available. The Ohio unemployment data is fairly static, with eligibility for Ohio unemployment compensation remaining level throughout this period.

New York state unemployment

NYS unemployment insurance is connected to the levels of New York unemployment. There was a steep climb in initial claims for New York State (NYS) unemployment insurance in July 2010, nearly matching the entire demand in the previous three months

Alabama unemployment

Alabama unemployment figures showed a general improvement between March and August 2010, the most recent period for which AL unemployment data is available. This AL unemployment data remains true across the eleven fields and eleven metropolitan areas that the Bureau of Labor Statistics monitors.

Utah unemployment

The level of unemployment in Utah during the most recent period for which information is available, March 2010 through August 2010, has increased from 97.5 thousand people eligible to collect unemployment in Utah to 100.5 thousand people eligible for unemployment.

Oregon unemployment

Oregon state unemployment figures showed little variation during the most recent six month period for which information is available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Oregon state unemployment figures have been stable despite 155 mass layoff eliminating more than 17 thousand jobs.

Pennsylvania unemployment

During the most recent period of time for which data about initial claims for PA unemployment compensation is available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (March – August 2010) almost 51 thousand claims were filed as the result of 554 mass layoffs.

Florida unemployment

Between March 2010 and August 2010, the most recent period for which information is available, the Florida unemployment rate remained around 12 percent unemployment. In Florida during this time, there were 643 mass layoffs, although these layoffs only resulted in 46.6 thousand initial claims for Florida unemployment benefits.

New Jersey unemployment

The NJ unemployment rate in the state of New Jersey had remained around the national unemployment level during the most recent period, between March 2010 and August 2010, the most recent period for which information is available. The number of initial NJ unemployment claims filed during this period due to the 331 mass layoffs in the state resulted in an initial NJ unemployment claim from more than 38 thousand individuals.

Washington state unemployment

Looking at Washington state unemployment figures, the most recent reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that Washington unemployment rates have been below the national average. Initial WA unemployment benefit claims were filed by 8 thousand individuals.

Nevada unemployment

The latest reports on levels of unemployment in Nevada from March 2010 to August 2010 indicate that over this period the Nevada unemployment rate rose from 13.4 to 14.4 percent. NV unemployment numbers are most prone to changes due to varying levels of demand for hospitality and leisure jobs.

Missouri unemployment

Missouri unemployment rates were below the national average throughout the most recent period for which information is available, March 2010 through August 2010. The March Missouri unemployment rate was 9.5 percent in March and April, dropped to 9.1 in June, only to increase for the next two months, reaching an August Missouri unemployment rate of 9.3 percent.

Connecticut unemployment

Connecticut unemployment figures are most subject to change in the trade, transportation, and utilities industries. CT unemployment in the leisure and hospitality industry has declining in comparison to year over year figures between March and August 2010.

Colorado unemployment

During the period between March 2010 and August 2010, the reason that Colorado unemployment appears to have been stable over this time is because more people ceased to be eligible for Colorado unemployment benefits than jobs were created, which helped keep the unemployment rate around 8.8 percent.

Texas unemployment

The Texas Unemployment Commission is responsible for overseeing Texas unemployment benefits for the largest work force in the nation. The Texas Unemployment Commission governs Texas unemployment eligibility for 12 million individuals.

New Hampshire unemployment

In the state of New Hampshire, NH unemployment data is compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Due to the interrelated nature of economies in New England states, NH unemployment and economic data is more closely tied to the economic reality of its neighbors than other parts of the country.

Illinois unemployment

The Illinois Department of Unemployment assembles information about Illinois unemployment data. Information about unemployment in Illinois during the most recent six month period for which information is available (March 2010 through August 2010) indicates that over that period the Illinois unemployment rate has dropped from 11.5 percent to 10.1 percent.

Maryland unemployment

The Maryland Unemployment Insurance Division is the part of the Maryland Department of Labor that handles Maryland Unemployment Insurance, a program that is known as unemployment benefits in other states. Maryland Unemployment Insurance is, as of August 2010, awarded to 216.6 thousand individuals, 7.3 percent of the work force.

North Carolina unemployment

NC unemployment figures examine economic data from fifteen major metropolitan areas in the state. Figures on unemployment in NC are compiled by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, a part of the Department of Labor. The NC unemployment rate dropped from 11.1 percent in March 2010 to 9.7 percent in August, according to the most recent information available.

Florida unemployment

Eligibility to determine a Florida unemployment claim to collect unemployment in Florida requires that individuals have looked for a job in the past four weeks. During the six month period between March and August 2010, 46.6 thousand initial Florida unemployment claims were filed by individuals who made their first entries as part of the Florida unemployment rate.

Tennessee unemployment

Tennessee unemployment data is collected in a report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a part of the federal Department of Labor. A TN unemployment report focuses on ten metropolitan areas, but also looks at TN unemployment rates across the state as well. The Tennessee unemployment rate between March and August 2010 has decreased by a full percentage point, while 27 thousand new jobs were created

Massachusetts unemployment

In the state of Massachusetts, Mass. unemployment rates have declined, with the actual level of MA unemployment declining as well. The Mass unemployment rate in March was 9.3 percent, falling to 8.8 percent in August, the most recent period for which information is available.

California unemployment

The California unemployment rate has remained steady, barely moving from 12.6 percent to 12.4 between March and August 2010, according to the most information available. The CA unemployment level has gone from more than 2.3 million in March to 2.25 million in August.

Virginia unemployment

The Virginia Unemployment Commission administers VA unemployment benefits to individuals throughout the state. Information gathered by the Virginia Unemployment Commission is forwarded to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics so that the Bureau can incorporate information about VA unemployment into its monthly reports.

New Mexico unemployment

NM unemployment figures compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics include a focus on four metropolitan areas in the state: Albuquerque, Farmington, Las Cruces, and Santa Fe.

Idaho unemployment

Idaho unemployment statistics focus on economic data affecting the major metropolitan areas in the state (Boise City- Nampa, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Falls, and Pocatello). In addition, the Idaho unemployment data examines the economic status of the state as a whole.

Arizona unemployment

AZ unemployment data for March 2010 through August 2010, the most recent available information, indicates that the AZ unemployment rate was 9.6 percent in four of the months, the exceptions being April, when the AZ unemployment rate was down to 9.5 percent, and August, when the rate rose to 9.7 percent.

South Carolina unemployment

The most recent SC unemployment information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is available is the six month period between March 2010 and August 2010. Although the SC unemployment rate fell by 1.5 percent, it is difficult to say that unemployment improved because the South Carolina economy shed thirty one thousand jobs during this period.

Kentucky unemployment

There were 176 mass layoffs in the state between March and August 2010 in the state of Kentucky. This lead to almost 21 thousand individuals collecting KY unemployment benefits for the first time. Throughout nearly this entire period, the KY unemployment rate was around 10 percent.

Louisiana unemployment

Louisiana unemployment rate was 6.9 percent in March 2010. By August 2010, the most recent period for which information is available, the Louisiana unemployment rate rose to 7.6 percent as 0.7 thousand jobs were created but 15.2 thousand more people became unemployed

Iowa unemployment

Iowa unemployment rates during the six month period between March 2010 and August 2010, the most recent period for which information is available, indicates that outside of April and June, the Iowa unemployment rate was 6.8 percent. In these two other months, the Iowa unemployment rate was 6.39 and 6.7 percent, respectively.

Michigan unemployment

In the state of Michigan, unemployment rates fell from 14.1 percent in March 2010 to a 13.1 percent MI unemployment rate in the months of July and August 2010. August is the most recent month for which information about MI unemployment is available.

Georgia unemployment

GA unemployment statistics are collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the federal Department of Labor, a part of the executive branch of the federal government. From March through July 2010, eligibility for GA unemployment benefits declined. In April through August 2010, the most recent month in which GA unemployment information is available, the size of the work force has declined as well.

Kansas unemployment

KS unemployment information for the state of Kansas is assembled in respect to statewide numbers and in major metropolitan areas. Outside of May 2010 and August 2010 when it rose to 6.6 percent, the KS unemployment rate has been steady at 6.5 percent.

Wisconsin unemployment

The WI unemployment rates between March and August 2010 has either remained the same level or fallen. Meanwhile, the size of the Wisconsin work force declined from April through August. The individuals who could collect WI unemployment benefits declined from March through July.

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